Mallow Root Tincture


Sold in a 1 ounce glass dropper jar.Mallow root infused in 150 proof grape alcohol for over 6 months.

Beyond its food uses, marshmallow is a gentle medicinal plant. The nutritive and sweet root imparts a unique mucilaginous quality when extracted in water. Marshmallow has a high concentration of polysaccharides that impart a viscous and soothing quality to the liquid in which it is extracted.

This marshmallow mucilage has many benefits. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties are cooling and soothing to our internal tissues, with a special affinity for the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tracts. This comes in handy for inflammatory conditions such as ulcers, heartburn, indigestion and Chrone's disease. Marshmallow root can also be used to address sore throats and dry coughs, and has been traditionally used for urinary issues such as cystitis and UTIs.

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